How to Create a Listing on Chattic

Whether you want to upload a listing for sale or just to show it off, the process is the same. This article will show you how to create an individual listing. If you want to add many items at once, try our bulk upload process.

Start by clicking on the Add Listing button at the top right of the screen. Then, start building your listing by adding photos and descriptive information.

You can add up to five images per listing, and you must add at least one. Once your images are uploaded, you can reorder them if you wish. The first image will be used as the cover image. We suggest using an image with a 1:1 ratio for the best results.

Here are a few tips for filling in the descriptive information fields:

Item Name (Required) - Give your item a descriptive title. The title can be up to 100 characters.

Price (Optional) - If you are listing your item for sale, include a price in USD.

Category (Required) - Select the best category for your item from our list of categories. (Can't find a category that works? Let us know; we're constantly adding new categories.)

Tags (Optional) - You can add tags to further describe your item.

Available for Sale (Required) - If you’ve connected a Stripe account, this is set to “yes” by default. Toggle it off if the item is not for sale. If you haven’t connected a Stripe account, you won’t be able to list the item for sale.

Description - Add a description of up to 1,000 characters. Give as much detail as you can.

Visible - Items are set to be visible by default. If you'd prefer to keep the item hidden, toggle this option off.

Next, you’ll come to the Documents section. Here, you can upload any relevant documents, such as appraisals or certificates of authenticity.

Finally, you can add shipping dimensions if you wish. This isn’t a required field, and you can wait until you need to purchase a shipping label to enter this information.

Keep in mind these are the dimensions of the item for shipping purposes. For example, if your item is a tablecloth, you would enter the dimensions of the box you’re shipping the cloth in rather than the dimensions of the cloth spread out on a table.

When you’ve entered all the required information, click on the Publish button. Congratulations on listing your first item!

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