How to Use Chattic's Bulk Upload Tool

Have a bunch of stuff to add to Chattic? Great! Chattic offers a bulk upload tool that can save you a lot of time.

Step 1: Getting Started

From the Chattic home page, click Add Listing, then select Upload Listings from the blue text box to begin a new bulk upload.


Step 2: Download the Bulk Upload Sheet

If this is your first bulk upload, you'll need to download the Bulk Upload template. You will find a template for creating your sheet in Excel or Google Sheets, depending on which program you use.

Once you've downloaded the template, you can open it in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. There are instructions for completing the Google Sheets upload as well as a couple of sample listings to demonstrate formatting, which you should delete once you start adding your listings.

Step 3: Listing Info

Now it's time to add your listings to the sheet. Here are a few tips for filling out each of the fields:

Title (Required) - Give your item a descriptive title. The title can be up to 100 characters.

Price (Required) - If you are listing your item for sale, include a price in $USD.

Category (Required) - Select in the best category for your item from the dropdown list. (Can't find a category that fits? Let us know! We're constantly adding new categories.)

Tags (Optional) - You can add tags based on the category you've chosen to help other users find it when searching and further describe your listing.  Learn more about categories and tags.

Description (Required) - Add a description of your item or the reason for listing it - up to 1,000 characters. Give as much detail as you can.

Length/Height/Width/Weight (Optional) - If you plan to list your item for sale, you can include your shipping dimensions here. Dimensions can also be added after your item sells, which are necessary to determine shipping costs.

Visible (Required) - Enter "yes" if you'd like others on Chattic to be able to see your item. If you'd prefer to keep the item hidden, enter "no".

Available for Sale (Required) - Select "yes" if you want to list the item for sale. Select "no" if the item is not for sale.

Step 4: Images

Next, let's get your images ready for upload. You can see an example of how to name your images by clicking on the template link in the Images section of the Bulk Upload dialogue box:

Chattic allows images up to 7MB. If your images are too large, you'll need to compress them before uploading them to Chattic.

Once your pictures are ready for upload, you'll need to rename them so they'll be associated with the appropriate listing.

For example, if your listing title is Catalina Tile Table, name your images catalina tile table-1, catalina tile table-2...etc

Chattic allows up to five images per listing. The images will appear on your listing in number order. In the above example, "Catalina Tile Table-1" will be the main listing image. (Image order can be edited at any time from the listings page).

Once you've named all your images, you'll need to create a zip file using whichever method you prefer.

Note that there is a 5GB max for the image upload. If your zip file exceeds 5GB, you'll need to split your upload into a few batches.

Step 5: Upload

Now that you have your listings and images ready, it's time to upload them to Chattic. Navigate back to the Bulk Upload Dialogue box. From here, you can either drag and drop or browse for your Excel file containing listing details and image zip file.

Once you've added your files, click on the Upload button.

Step 6: Check Your Email

It may take a few minutes to receive your confirmation email, depending on your upload size. If everything went smoothly, you'll receive a success email, and you'll be able to find all your new listings in your account.

If there are issues with any part of the upload, you'll receive an email detailing the problems. You can upload these listings manually or try another bulk upload once you've corrected the issues.

If you run into any problems or have questions about the Chattic Bulk Upload Process, please contact us @

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